virus alert!

While hunting online for that movie with the couple who pay thier neighbors to act normal so they can sell thier home I got redirected to this nicely done virus page. Its a convincing experience to get the user to download and install the application. I wonder if these criminals would be open to oursourcing some IA work that I need done????? [caption id=“attachment_114” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Well done social engineerig page to install a virus”][/caption]

January 1, 2009 · 1 min · Aaron Held

missing my mac

My sleek mac is more like a Jaguar then a chevy. Yes it is in the shop. My machine and 4 of its cousins left our office last week for an undisclosed service center for an indeterminate amount of time. I’m using a Dell laptop. The dell hardware is really solid as is the wireless connectivity. The operating system is windows on top of full drive encryption so the software experience leaves something to be desired....

December 23, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

Netbeans for HTML-CSS work?

Due to an unfortunate series of work related events I find myself writing php code. Not only php code, but wordpress php code. That however is the topic of a later post (as is plugins that edit core code using regex based searches) I did the work in textmate but decided to spin up my new Netbeans 6.5 in order to test the subversion functionality. Immediately I noticed that Netbeans picked up a tag mismatch and highlighted it nicely:...

December 10, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

Giving up on Apple (mouse)

My girlfriend’s mom bought her one of those inexpensive ‘wireless’ notebook mouses. It is not even bluetooth enabled, it requires a USB adapter. I used it over the weekend and found it much better then my hip Apple mouse. Although I can’t squeeze it ( ) it is much easier to use. The tilt wheel concept is more precise then the little ball on the apple and the optical sensor works across any surface....

December 8, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

javaFX sneaks out the door

Sun released version 1 of javaFX today - Its a competitor to Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight, but based on the java developer created demos it just does not look complelling enough to matter. Adobe had been making some great progress in the Flash virtual machine and the number of advances in Flash10 really impress the coder in me. As a development manager I’m seeing Actionscript programmers reach an impressive level of maturity, with unit testing, automated builds and solid object design....

December 5, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held