the trifecta of personal projects

The joys of home ownership pressing demands at work have stifled my personal innovation time. Sometime in the last millennium I used be enjoy writing exploratory projects and releasing libraries that others may find useful. Over the last few months I’ve been looking for inspiration for a project that would help me explore some ‘search’ related ideas that have been bouncing in my head. I came across a project idea that represents the perfect personal trifecta!...

June 9, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

Iron Man - great past the end

I thoroughly enjoyed the Iron Man movie. My son wanted more of a SpaceMarine clunky feel to the armor, but I though they nailed exactly how I saw Iron Man from my youth. At least half the theater stayed past the credit roll, I was surprised by how many people knew about the extra bit. It took some real willpower to sit through the endless list of names after consuming a super giant-sized soda and getting to a 2 hour movie 45min early

May 4, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

Motocycles and Python turn toil into joy

So today started out great. Temperatures in the 80’s, so I took the kiddies outside. I put my cellphone on the trunk of my sisters’s car, put the kids on their bikes, put skates on my feet and rolled out to enjoy the day. Things were going well with my littlest one making turns at each end of the block. My sister pulled up and shouted some encouragement as she drove past....

April 19, 2008 · 2 min · Aaron Held

Michael Clayton

I watched Michael Clayton today A decent legal / espionage plot. Predictive enough. The lawyer is defending an international chemical company for years. One day he goes off his anti-depressants and decides to champion the farmers being killed by the chemical additives. Drama ensues when the ‘fixer’ Michael Clayton is set on the case. But the lawyer who had the breakdown was Michael’s friend, and since Mr. Clayton has a good relationship with his son, so we assume he is not wholly evil....

April 14, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held

Glock Day!

What better first post for my renovated, Philly style blog, then to mention “Glock Day”. A local range in the city (Philadelphia Archery and Gun Club) hosted some helpful representatives from Glock and offered free test firing of their models. The staff was helpful and it was fun. It reminded me of testing racing skis at Killington. Except less of the fresh mountain air and more of the smell of gunpowder....

April 12, 2008 · 1 min · Aaron Held